Where is Neumora Therapeutics' corporate headquarters?
Neumora Therapeutics is headquartered at 490 Arsenal Way, Suite 200, Watertown, MA 02472.
When was Neumora Therapeutics founded?
Neumora was incorporated in 2019 in the state of Delaware.
How is Neumora Therapeutics' stock traded?
Neumora Therapeutics is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker symbol NMRA and its CUSIP number is 640979 100.
When did Neumora Therapeutics go public?
Neumora Therapeutics’ initial public offering (IPO) occurred on September 14, 2023.
When is Neumora Therapeutics' fiscal year-end?
Neumora Therapeutics’ fiscal year end is December 31st.
Who is Neumora Therapeutics' transfer agent?
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Does Neumora Therapeutics have a direct stock purchase plan?
Neumora Therapeutics does not have a direct stock purchase plan. Shares can be purchased through a stockbroker of your choice.
Who are Neumora Therapeutics' independent auditors?
Neumora Therapeutics’ independent auditors are Ernst & Young LLP.
Where can I view Neumora Therapeutics' corporate news releases?
The Neumora Therapeutics press release archives can be accessed via its’s Newsroom.
How can I sign up to receive Neumora press releases and other company news?
Alerts can be set up from the “Email Alerts” section of the “Investors” page.
Where can I view documents that Neumora Therapeutics has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)?
The Neumora Therapeutics SEC filings can be accessed from the “SEC Filings” section of the “Investors” page or www.sec.gov.
Whom should I contact if I have further questions?
Helen Rubinstein, Senior Director Investor Relations & Communications, helen.rubinstein@neumoratx.com.